Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Macho and cool? Simply: don't be afraid to annoy Turkey. At one point Turkey has to become equal and come clean in public: just like all the rest of the crowd. When France and the UK annoy each other, which they do intentionally, are they being macho and cool? Why does Turkey get extraordinary treatment for more than 40 years? Is it such a non-European entity that 40 years of behind-the-scnes, nitpicking diplomacy has been necessary to get it just to this point? It seems so. So where is the Turkish commitment? Don't fret, the Turks are more than capable of negotiating politely on the head of pin until the end of time.
by Quentin on Thu Dec 15th, 2005 at 04:47:07 AM EST
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