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That's why I say
... with a middle class that's no longer content to just work and consume ...

I know that CW is that the middle class is still very content with working and consuming. And if the middle class doesn't budge, we can kiss goodbye to option 3. I can't imagine a democratic movement without strong support in the middle class.

But, I've personally noticed something funny, when I had the opportunity to rub elbows with a few billionaires (yep, real ones, very big names) on a work/social relation when I was working in the US. Nice guys, no reason to resent them a bit, I'm not of an envious nature and yet, you can't help, somewhere in the back of your mind... I'm definitively not one of them and I know it.

The middle class is the most likely to be angry at the ultra-wealthy if things get bumpy for them. They see them, they understand the situation and they know they won't get there. Happiness is relative.
by Francois in Paris on Sat Dec 10th, 2005 at 06:30:17 PM EST
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