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That's why I say  ... with a middle class that's no longer content to just work and consume ...

What I meant is that the middle class will not become not content. But, with what you added, I too have to qualify: if the Chinese middle class loses the illusion that they too can get super-rich, or feels that it stagnates or even loses what it already has, then they too will join the forces for change. Still, I don't think they would be central to it.

I can't imagine a democratic movement without strong support in the middle class.

Hm, that would be standard neoliberal theory. But in a country where the middle class constitutes only 10-15% of the population, they are neither necessary nor sufficient as a basis for democracy. (Same goes for India.)

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Sat Dec 10th, 2005 at 06:38:54 PM EST
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