Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
This is an interesting question because it has been the rightwing Progress Party (FRP) that has campaigned the most for spending more of the oil-revenues.  This is what you can call an unconditional spending with little or no concern  for the risk of inflation. Besides being a righwing party the Progress party also has populist roots.  At the moment they are probably the party that advocates the most government spending.  

The Socialist Left (SV) belonging to the red-green coalition has also campaigned for more spending but to a lesser extent.  Some of the reason for this could be the fact that the big brother the Labour Party has always been strict on not spending to much of the oil-revenues and instead putting them to good use in the petroleum fund intended to finance the public pensions for the future.  

So all in all the division over spending more oil money or not has not followed the the traditional left-right divide but more a line between those party's that has had an experience in government and those who have not.

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by Gjermund E Jansen (gjans1@hotmail.com) on Tue Sep 13th, 2005 at 11:45:59 AM EST
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