Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
From German paper Die Zeit:

Left (together still 88 seats):
Left-socialists (Greens+hard right) 8.7% (-3.8)
Labour (social democrats) 32.7% (+8.4)
Centre (agrarian lobby, anti-EU) 6.5% (+0.9)

Right (together still 81 seats):
Christian People's Party (centrist onservatives) 6.8% (-5.6)
Right (centre-right) 14.1% (-7.1)
Progressive Party (libertarian far-right) 22.1% (+7.4)

Tough I seem to recall Sirocco lecturing me about the Scandinavian far-right, especially his native one, being much more benign than what is characterised as such more to the South, I find the last numbers quite shocking: more than half of all conservative voters are far-right voters!

While in Austria, allying with the far-right ultimately worked out for the centre-right (chancellor Schüssel facilitated the self-destruction of Haider and his party), in Norway, accepting outside support for their minority government apparently had the opposite result.

BTW, Gjermund or another Norwegian here, could you please give us election junkees who can't speak Norwegian a link to watch, a link to some official election site or an up-to-date and detailed election chart on a Norwegian news site?

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Tue Sep 13th, 2005 at 04:57:58 AM EST

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