Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
But no one in Iran has said the country should 'go to war with Israel'. Only people outside Iran have said that someone in Iran has said that. The Iranians are not irrational, despite the western inclination to think they are. You might not like your neighbor and wish he were dead and say it, which is not the same as saying you are going to kill him. The whole discussion around Iran reeks of prejudice and hypocrisy. Tell me please: why may Iran not have a mature nuclear research program? The King of Kings signed the nonproliferation treaty, true, but the King of Kings also had a nuclear (research?) program fostered by the U.S. and certainly not opposed by Europe. One day the oil will run out in Iran too. The Iranians also have their concerns.
by Quentin on Sat Jan 28th, 2006 at 06:23:28 AM EST
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