Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I agree, subsidies are so girly, yuck. It's time we farmers stood up for our rights and demanded prices.

What price do you want me to sell my tomatoes at this year? How much??? Oh shit, ok, so I'll have to sell the tractor, and perhaps put more fertilizer and reap earlier. Too bad for the taste. Oh shit I hear Madrid is doing better, guys there are producing tomatoes for half that price. Ok, let me call them to see if we can directly import their tomatoes. Oh crap, there is an early freeze announced for early October. Damn, my last tomato plants are going to die. Ok how about I forget tomatoes and concentrate on potatoes then. Ah shit, I can't, the river overflowed this summer and drowned my potato plants. Ah shit shit shit.

by Alex in Toulouse on Wed Oct 11th, 2006 at 05:35:46 AM EST
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