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are completely right. With every textbook we open, we find simplifications, which need to be replaced by more sophisticated simplifications when we decide to dig deeper. And again. And again. Until your sentences becomes so turgid, no one reads your articles and you die poor and unread and everyone forgets about you, so what's the point?

But as above, I do not argue against the use of "acidification". I argue against the frequent (actually, I've hardly seen it anywhere right in press articles so far) use of "turning the oceans more acidic". That's just flat out incorrect, and although I understand the need for public understanding, this is mythmaking at work - which I resent. And here's an audience which is willing to be open for the slight correction here and there.

by Nomad (Bjinse) on Wed Oct 11th, 2006 at 06:59:05 PM EST
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