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..almost all here are completely and utterly western.... from different subcultures.. :)

Actually I have the privilege to have living grand ma who did not belong to western culture. A lot of our grandma and pa in Spain (maybe MIgerus too) lived in isolated towns in Central or Southern Spain.. antrhopologists from England and France came to take details.. and that was INDEED a different culture.

A lot of those people moved to spanish cities.. and the cultural shock was... well... it is lovely to hear how your grand ma explains you a cultural shock... something I have never lived...and something she does not quite understand from ani ntellectual point of view but actually she knows what it is better than I would ever know.

It is great how he uses even now a mixture of words.. or how she does not find words to describe things froma notehr culture/world/experience when at 16 she came to live to Barcelona , suddenly and utterly.

Cry, fear, paralization, lost sensation.. emptiness...and no words...The most important aspect of culture , I learnt from my family, is space distribution/structure , it is the most brutal form of narrative (cities, suburbs, ex-suburbs..) so actually the main differences among us would probably be between born in the city and born in a litlle town.. other than that.. purely subcultures..
an adaptation to thosebecause the basic narratives of western societies reached spanish town arund the 70-80s.

Regarding subculture I like the cosmopolitan left education-is-the-most important-thing for survival and status with a  strong touch of I-love-cities-hate-suburb-love-small-isolated-towns crowd...go figure...

A pleasure

I therefore claim to show, not how men think in myths, but how myths operate in men's minds without their being aware of the fact. Levi-Strauss, Claude

by kcurie on Tue Nov 14th, 2006 at 01:29:42 PM EST

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