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How does culture change then? Or are those planks an unchanging basis for Western Culture?
by Colman (colman at eurotrib.com) on Tue Nov 14th, 2006 at 04:13:21 PM EST
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we play with them.. we change them.. each time we implement them and paly with others.

Soem antrhopologists that culture is the people palying wiht the rules more than the rules...

So it is some kind of feedback...

So, people change it.. how?? Whne??

Puff thi sis the core of anthropology. I think there must be as many school of thougs as anthropologists.

I persoanlly think it is very valid question where we could use the scientific narrative to get an answer.. although it is very difficult.

Having said taht, the fundational myths are very difficult to change.. and normally it means a huge change in the social structure/ social order...

Margaret Mead defended that even those monumental changes start with a very small group of people wanting to change things.....other antrhopologists and sociolists would be more materialistic...

A pleasure

I therefore claim to show, not how men think in myths, but how myths operate in men's minds without their being aware of the fact. Levi-Strauss, Claude

by kcurie on Wed Nov 15th, 2006 at 11:22:14 AM EST
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