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My people, the fathers and grandfathers who form the cultural lineage of my family, are of the American branch of those we call the Scots-Irish. People from Lowland Scotland who settled the Ulster Plantation in Northern Ireland at the invitation of a Protestant English king who wanted to supplant the Irish Catholics. The Troubles began the day they arrived, and continue more or less to this day. As I understand it, before they were Ulstermen, before they were Lowland Scots, they were the Celts who fought the Romans to a standstill in northern Britain and inspired Hadrian to build his wall. They have been fighting somebody for as long as they have been an identifiable people.
A couple of English kings later, when the land deal in Northern Ireland had become a good deal more troublesome and a good deal less attractive, rumors of the promise of America attracted a substantial migration to the new colonies. These transplanted Scots/Irish/Americans tended to settle not in the built up English enclaves along the coast, but to migrate to the western frontier of the colonies, where they were more than happy to fight the native peoples for land to settle on, and when necessary to fight the more Anglified gentry of the coasts whenever their independence was threatened. When that first great wave of migration crested early in the eighteenth century, that frontier ran roughly along the Appalachian Mountains, where the Scots-Irish culture survives almost intact to this day. As the American frontier pushed west these folks tended to move west with it. They embody what we think of as the American pioneer spirit. Some call it the American spirit of independence. Up close it sometimes looks a lot more like pig-headed stubbornness.
I only learned most of this quite recently, from James Webb's book Born Fighting. Until I read Webb's book, I had only the vaguest notions of where my family came from and how we got where we are. Born Fighting was an enlightenment to me. Lots of things about my family's story, which didn't make much sense to me before, now make perfect sense. And some things about my country that didn't make all that much sense to me, now at least make some sense. For good or ill, a deep stratum of that culture underlies much of what we think of as American culture. To any European struggling to understand why Americans sometimes do such crazy shit, I highly recommmend Webb's book.
Oh, and everything from Western to Okie is pretty much what I inherited. The humanist and universalist bits I've acquired on my own. We all bleed the same color.
Actually, the Picts who raided Roman Britain were later subdued by immigrants from, what an irony, Northern Ireland, they were the Scots. (I read of this before I was in Scotland, and when there, I insisted on visiting the seat of Dalriada, the very first Scottis kingdom, Castle Dunadd from the 6th century AD.) *Lunatic*, n. One whose delusions are out of fashion.
Joseph Campbell, in The Masks of God, in I think the first volume, describes a great common cultural field that stretched right across the continent from roughly central Asia into what is now Europe and the islands in and around the North Sea. That common cultural field existed more or less intact for millenia before the historic era. I don't think Campbell calls them Celts, but I've always used that as a kind of shorthand term for those peoples who were indigenous to western Europe and the British Isles when the Romans, Johnny come latelies as it were, came along and started writing about them and giving them tribal names. That's what I think of as the Celts.
About a year ago I submitted genetic material to the Genographic Project. The project performed the most basic level of genetic testing and identified my haplogroup as being very common in northern and western Spain and throughout the British Isles. Ah, I thought to myself, that would be the Celts.
Sorry to be so long in responding. I tried to post this before work this morning and for some reason could not get back to the EuroTrib site. We all bleed the same color.
The hypothesised Indo-European migration (of which the Celts were a part)? Those whom the Gods wish to destroy They first make mad. -- Euripides
I have not been able to find that map on line. I think it might be presented in animated form in a flash presentation on the Genographic Project website. Viewing any kind of animation is painful if not impossible on my dialup at home, so I cannot check that just now. I am a major map junkie, and the National Geographic folks feed my addiction with such paper maps. Bear with me as I expose my dismal geographic skill -- go figure -- and I'll try to describe the map I have.
Beginning with a supposed first pair humans in eastern Africa, one major migration goes north across the Sinai, branching into multiple haplogroups as it goes. One group goes north and then west across Asia Minor, terminating in what is now Greece. Another goes a little further north and then west, terminating in what is now northern Italy. Most of the branching groups go north and northeast. One skirts the Indian Ocean, then turns southeast, terminating in Australia. Another goes northeast up the east coast of Asia, across the land bridge, and terminates in the Pacific Northwest of North America.
What might be called the main branch goes further north, branching multiple times as it goes. Most of the branches go east or northeast into Asia. One branch goes northeast into what might be northern Iran where it branches multiple times again. One branch goes north from there to maybe Kazakhstan, then splits into two main branches.
Of those two main branches, one goes right up across eastern Asia, across the land bridge, and down through the Americas, terminating in what might now be southern Brazil or northern Argentina. The other turns west and goes right across Europe and down into the Iberian Peninsula, terminating in the northwest corner of Spain. This map doesn't show it, but it is my understanding that that migration continued into Britain and Ireland. That is haplogroup M343, the one I belong to, and apparently share with most of the folks we think of as Europeans and Britons. I think that haplogroup roughly corresponds to the cultural group that I have been referring generically as the Celts.
The whole thing as it happened from the first identified human haplogroup in eastern Africa to M343 arriving in Iberia spans about 50,000 years, so all of recorded history is just an afterword of sorts to the main story. From the last major branch in central Asia to M343 is about 15,000 years, again much longer than any written history.
Geez I hope that makes some kind of sense. And I do wish I could upload the map itself. Like all National Geographic paper maps, it is a thing of beauty. We all bleed the same color.
Note though: such family trees should be handled with care. They are good enough for first-order approximation, and that probably only for one sex, or even only for certain chromosomes or sections of chromosomes (M343 is an Y-chromosome, thus male haplogroup). Reality included tremendous mixing not just in the last millennia or so, but all ages. *Lunatic*, n. One whose delusions are out of fashion.
The significance that I take from that image, and the meaning I find in the existence of M343, is that every man on this planet who carries the M343 marker, myself included, shares a common ancestor, a great, great, many-times-great grandfather, who lived in northern Europe. There just after the branching from M173, where M343 begins. I suppose that would be northern Germany. One individual, one man, acquired a mutation, probably insignificant in his life, which left an indelible and unmistakable marker on all his descendents, all of us who carry the M343 marker.
That makes all of us family in some grand humanist sense. And in spite of all the surface differences, some of them profound and significant, some less so, along with our common genetic inheritance there is a deep common cultural heritage that I think in the end is much more important than our differences. And I think if we are to have a long term future as a species on this planet, it behooves us to learn and understand that. That was the message of Joseph Campbell's work and I took it to heart.
I'm probably not expressing myself very well. I don't mean any of that in some sentimental, greeting card sense. I mean it in the very practical sense of learning how to share this finite planet with the other six or eight billion humans who inhabit it. We all bleed the same color.
Recently, it has been hypothetised that the source of Celtic and pre-Celtic culture and migration was not Central Europe but the Iberian Peninsula, which would mean a much stronger link to the previous megalythic culture. However, I think the proper way to view successive migrations is not as people replacing each other, but the new arrivals predominantly taking only the place of the elite, and as they merge into one people, having a disproportionate influence over culture and language.
Indeed ancient texts describe Roman-era Celts as having a mostly blonde elite and a mostly brown-haired peasantry. So I think it may well be that Celts formed as Indo-European tribes took power over the people of the megalythic cultures and mixed with them, just as later the Anglo-Saxons took power over a Brit-Celtic population, and later the Normans over them.
Finally, some notes about the real Arthurian era (something I had a special interest in). When Roman rule withdrew from Britain, in the figfht against invaders, the Romanized Brit-Celts fell apart into fiefdoms centred on hill-forts very much like before Roman rule. These invaders included the Angles, Jutes and Saxons from what is now the shores of Germany and Denmark, the wild Picts from the North -- and the even wilder Scot pirates from Ireland, who not only raided their fellow pagan Celts in what is now Scotland, but also the least civilised part of Roman Britain, Wales. *Lunatic*, n. One whose delusions are out of fashion.
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