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Good Albionesque example.

 Where many Finns get grumpy when it's raining. I just LOVE the rain. Rainy days are my favourite. I love being inside with an excuse to 'löhö' or chill, I love driving or being driven in the rain (especially in a bus), and walking in the rainy forest if suitably garbed.

And when the sun comes out after a shower, and all the smells are fresh and colours deep, and the birds rejoice - then so do I ;-)

Snow is a different matter. It's when I get grumpy...

And as for scraping thick ice off the windscreen while still half asleep and late - yeeeech

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Wed Nov 15th, 2006 at 02:46:09 PM EST
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