Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Now I've calmed down I can respond more temperately.

The dominant phrase in that sentence, ie the one with the verb is "I have learnt....". That's me doing the learning.

It was an amazing revelation to me to experience the depth of emotions, to bathe in them as I did. I've explained previously the differences in how I perceived emotion twixt male and female,
but perhaps I didn't emphasize the extent to which it validated my sense of developing femininity. However much I was overwhelmed by the waves of emotional feeling, I was ewxcited and grateful for it.

So it is only natural that, having come from an unwanted masculinity to a much desired femininity, I should extol the virtues of my new internal environment.

I did not mean to say men don't have emotions, nor to suggest that men are less than human, and believe me I have heard and seen enough anti-male prejudice from women to believe it is strong undercurrent of the female culture, but I have never been a party to it. Indeed I am horrified that my poor phrasing, structured more in support of Agnes than any other consideration, should have been taken as to suggest such an abhorrent thought. I am genuinely hurt by your suggestion that I might believe such a thing.

keep to the Fen Causeway

by Helen (lareinagal at yahoo dot co dot uk) on Thu Nov 30th, 2006 at 03:15:09 PM EST
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