Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Agnes, nice to see you back.  sorry about the hurt.

I've wanted to say this before, but you were not on the site for a while,,,somehow it seems right now.  I mentioned to you a while back, of a friend in the US who was in the same business as you, and had told me she would like to communicate with you.  You graciously said yes, and I gave her you email,,,,and she was diagnosed with breast cancer a few days later.  

Things are looking OK for her at this point.  Some problems with the surgery, but still it looks like it will be fine--cancer free as of now.  But running her business here in the US is more than enough for her, so thoughts of Europe are put aside, at least for now.

Just thought I should not leave our earlier communication hanging.  All the best to you.

by wchurchill on Thu Nov 30th, 2006 at 12:29:02 AM EST

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