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I'm sorry for what you're going through, and I agree that long-standing friendships are too precious to let end. But marriages and/or love relationships? When the going gets tough, the wise go shopping.
by Matt in NYC on Thu Nov 30th, 2006 at 01:57:36 AM EST
Forgive me the comparison, very inadequate as for the context (emotions vs economy) but love/marriage relationships are very much like the stock market. When you lose faith in the value of a share, you'd better take your losses and run.

However, coming back to true life, as long as there is still faith in a possible common future, and genuine willingness on both sides to make things work, I'd say it's worth trying. But this is all very personal.

When through hell, just keep going. W. Churchill

by Agnes a Paris on Thu Nov 30th, 2006 at 03:40:11 PM EST
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