Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thanks Bob, for those kind words.  Yes I have heard of it through the grape vine so to speak, but I can not say that I am to familiar with the site.  

Yes, disturbing indeed.  Fascism still seems to attract some youngsters like moth to candlelight and the Chilean people seems to be divided over their judgement of the dictator's legacy, but usually these extremists are on the fringes of society and thus are more words than action.  

That said, there are a larger portion of Pinochet supporters, but they are not that visible and not that extreme.  I have had some discussions with Chilean expatriates over the recent events and most of them are condemning Pinochet and his legacy for the obvious reason that most of these people are former progressives that were consider as enemies of the Chilean state by
Pinochet's regime.  

Bitsofnews.com Giving you the latest bits.

by Gjermund E Jansen (gjans1@hotmail.com) on Tue Dec 12th, 2006 at 05:10:53 PM EST
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