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A company which plots a course of slow steady growth through infrastructure investing, R&D and other long-range efforts, will find itself hammered by Wall Street. This will lead to complaints about the management, and in many cases their replacement by those more willing to play Wall Street's game.

This I find interesting and might be worth exploring. How is this hammering done? I guess low prices on the stocks is one thing, but if a mayority of the stock (or the votes if it is not the same) is owned by longterm investors who selected this management in the first place, what do they care about low prices on the stocks. Just makes it easier to expand your holdings while awaiting the big payoff.

Is it low credit grades making it hard to pass bad times?

Is it bad reviews of the managers? Peer-pressure is a powerful thing.

Or are there simply no longterm investors as fund managers can skim more the more they play aorund?

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by A swedish kind of death on Fri Dec 22nd, 2006 at 02:59:53 PM EST
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