Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Agnes, with the exception of healthcare, I'm not very knowledgeable in this area of infrastructure.  Hospitals in the US are owned/financed in one of three ways, that I know of: private for profit hospitals (ex. HCA, Hospital Corporation of America), private but non-for profit hospitals, (ex. Northwestern Memorial Hospital, University of Chicago Hospital, the Sisters of Whomever--financed through their revenues, charitable donations and municipal bonds), and government owned hospitals (ex. Cook County Hosptial, financed by their revenues and various taxes).  I haven't seen the %'s in a long time, but for profits are very small, I think like 10--15%.

But my impression is that almost all of the other areas you are talking about are owned and run by some level of government.
o  Roads--it made the news a few years ago when the Indiana Turnpike between Chicago and Indiana was privatized,,,,news because I think it was so unusual.
o  Airports--O'Hare is owned by the City of Chicago.  Isn't government ownership true of the vast majority.  Airlines are of course for profit companies, normally traded stocks on the stock markets.
o  Railroads--the track is government owned, the trains are mainly for profit private, though some are government owned.

Obviously I don't invest in this area.  But am I wrong here?  It almost seems Europe is going private  in some of the areas and the US is not--but that would be hard to believe.

by wchurchill on Thu Dec 7th, 2006 at 02:17:01 PM EST

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