Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Okay, Europe is a subcontinental mass bordered in the east by the Ural Mountains south to the Caspian sea and the western shore of the Caspian down to the Casucasua mountains, where the borderline goes west until it hits the Black sea.

Everything else is defined by natural shorelines.

the Americas are divided between North America (the US and Canada) and Latin America (everything south of same)

In North America everybody speaks english (including in Quebec where they speak French in order to piss off the federal government).

In Latin America, everyone speaks Spanish, except for Belize, and the Gianas. Brazil allegedly speaks portuguse, but it's actually closer to spanish.

The Caribbean is technically part of North America except for the Greater Antillies, which are part of Latin America.

by messy on Tue Feb 14th, 2006 at 08:24:30 PM EST
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