Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Kcurie you are right the situation in Darfur has moved forward. There are peace negotiations and the African Union troop presence on the ground increased last fall but is still only 7000 troops. However, there continues to be deep concern about the level of violence and specifically the cross boarder violence with Chad which the Human Rights Watch report highlighted and hopefully the Tripoli agreement between Chad and Sudan may help.  

The numbers game of which conflict is more horrific isn't that helpful in my opinion. The point is to highlight the situations that require international attention and Darfur unfortunately, as you point out very well and correctly, is only one of them. I encourage you to write up a diary on one of the other conflicts and try to figure out what the European policy has been in that area. I just happened to see the Human Rights Watch report, which prompted me to dig into this topic further.

As for listening to African people you are right and the web provides a great opportunity to have access to many African media, university, NGO and other sources right at our desks! One such resource I found in preparing this diary is The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) but there are many more.  

The only other thing I would add, at the risk of repeating myself, is that we all need to be cautious not to see Africa as one big monolithic continent. It's as diverse, if not more so, then Europe and not all African nations are "failed states" as one might sometimes believe from the selective media reports in the west.

by Alexandra in WMass (alexandra_wmass[a|t]yahoo[d|o|t]fr) on Fri Feb 24th, 2006 at 10:45:21 AM EST
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Dead on. I could hardly have said it better.

I think Congo indeed deserves a diary. World's most dangerous place right now.

A pleasure

I therefore claim to show, not how men think in myths, but how myths operate in men's minds without their being aware of the fact. Levi-Strauss, Claude

by kcurie on Fri Feb 24th, 2006 at 12:10:10 PM EST
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Look forward to a Congo/EU policy diary if you decide to take that on!!!
by Alexandra in WMass (alexandra_wmass[a|t]yahoo[d|o|t]fr) on Fri Feb 24th, 2006 at 12:59:57 PM EST
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