Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Not an analysis, but here's a quick translation of the Ekstra Bladet article:

Showed Pedophile Mohamed

Imams toured the Middle East with far more provoking images than Jyllands-Posten's drawings. See the documentation here

By Allan Larsen and Kåre Quist - 9:55 - 12. jan, 2006
When a group of Danish imams recently toured all around the Middle East to gather support for their criticism of the much debated Mohamed-illustrations in Jyllands-Posten and of prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the drawings was apparently not provoking enough for the purpose.

Ekstra Bladet can now document, that the delegation also brought pictures and drawings, that among other things show the prophet Mohamed depicted as both pedophile and equipped with a pigs snout - and there is also one controversial picture of a praying Muslim, who is being raped analy by a dog.

But that is gross manipulation and draws a completely wrong image of the ordinary Dane's attitude towards Muslims, responds the critique now from both left and right in the political landscape.

43 pages of documentation
Ekstra Bladet has gained possession of the provoking material, the delegation toured the Middle East with. You can see the documentation by clicking the links underneath.

In today's edition of Ekstra Bladet you can read Kasem Ahmads explanation of, why it was necessary to bring the provoking pictures.

Ekstra Bladet is one of the two large Danish tabloids. Like most tabloids they are always on the lookout for a good scandal or a striking front page, sometimes even when the source material might need a little shine up for dramatic effect. I wouldn't put too much trust in this newspaper, although I would rate it far above, f.ex., most English tabloids in reliability. I'll check if there are coverage of this story in the more trustworthy Danish media.

Biilmann Blog

by BobFunk (bobfunk@clanwhiskey.net) on Sun Feb 5th, 2006 at 08:15:36 AM EST
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