Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Great diary.

There was a wondeful comment I found yesterday - as usual, I didn't bookmark it, so no link - where an academic was talking about Sony's recent faux graffiti PSP promotion campaign in Philapdelphia. Sony paid local victims as much as $100 for two weeks of wall time. The city gave Sony and their hip creative agency the bum's rush, and after fines Sony won't be doing it again.

But the great quote said something like 'I think it was just tawdry - but that's modern business for you.'

I thought that really hit the nail on the head. Globalisation is evil, stupid, dysfunctional and really just a con-game to benefit the very rich at the expense of everyone else. But more than that it's tawdry. It has no nobility, no grandeur, no aspiration to promote or achieve anything more than a quick buck and a chance to screw over the little guy.

This acute and terminal poverty of aspiration and vision that makes it different to previous hypocrises like the original Victorians. They were as crazy and ideologically infected in their own way, but they built some astonishing things and valued a project with real vision.

The globalists will leave nothing of value behind them. Once all the Coca Cola has been marketed, the plasma TVs have ended up in landfill, the SUVs will lined up in rusting lines and melted down, there will be nothing else to mark the passing of the locusts.

by ThatBritGuy (thatbritguy (at) googlemail.com) on Fri Mar 17th, 2006 at 08:33:23 AM EST

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