Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Slovakia could well end up in a similar situation from June this year: a Fico minority government with SNS and Mečiar's HZDS supporting from the outside.

After the Hungarian elections are over, I'll cover the Slovakian. For now, only March poll numbers to show the power of pupulists:

Popularity top 5 ("Whom do you trust most?"):

  1. R. Fico      27,6
  2. I. Gašparovič     12,7 (current President from Mečiar's party)
  3. V. Mečiar     11,8
  4. Z. Martináková    10,6 (liberal party boss, only female)
  5. B. Bugár      8,8 (ethnic-Hungarian government member)
* no one      25,2

Parties that would get in:

SMER (Fico left-populist)    34,5
HZDS (Mečiar left-populist)    12,8
SDKÚ-DS (Christian Dem 1)    11,5
SMK (ethnic Hungarian)    9,6
SF (conservative liberals)    8,0
KDH (Christian Dem 2)    7,6
SNS (far-right)    7,3

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.

by DoDo on Mon Mar 27th, 2006 at 04:35:50 PM EST
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