Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I would like to share my concise view point of the three figures discussed:

1. Simeon is definitely well educated and even erudite
with all his languages and knowledge, gained due to the mere fact that he is a royal monarch. He won respect among the common people and leading results on the elections because the people expected him to be truly devoted to the problems of the country. He did some positive changes mainly because his ministers were young, ambitious, and experienced.

2.Borisov is loved by the people because he is a man of deeds and not of words. I like him personally too. According to me he could achieve success in politics if he gathers a team of professionals with expertise in different areas of the economy, politics, and the social shpere.

3. Siderov' hatred campaign works only because the people have to a certain extend turned to their primitive functions due to poverty, insecurity, and misery. But when we join the EU, propaganda against the minorities and ultra-right ideas would not find very "fertile soil" in the eyes of the European political elite.

I'm not ugly,but my beauty is a total creation.Hegel

by Chris on Tue Mar 28th, 2006 at 10:14:08 AM EST

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