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Thank you so much, kcurie!

I am in the process of learning Spanish right now (I enjoy it so much!!!) and was really curious whether the two words really sound the same way.

Actually, that was another claim by Chevy supporters- that General Motors knew how the name may be translated (or accepted) but regarded it too unimportant to affect sales. So, they did their job well!:)

by Denny on Tue Apr 11th, 2006 at 01:41:03 PM EST
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In Portugal the old Opel Ascona, from the eighties, was called Opel 1604. That was de to the fact that the last four letters (cona) are the rudest word you can use for vagina. So, GM did their home work.

For a long time, presumably for the same reason, Rexona (deodorant) was marketed as Rexina. Now they don't seem to care, anymore, and in fact there wasnt and spring of bad taste jokes and rhymes around the product.

Just anedoctes, not really trying to be helpful...

by Torres on Wed Apr 12th, 2006 at 07:55:36 AM EST
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Thank you!

It is just amazing how many examples a person can come across nowadays... But I think, people are already used to not paying attention to the names of the different products.

It is the same with names of people. I have a professor (foreigner) whose name means "root" in Bulgarian but I am so used to the name that I don't really connect the name with its meaning in my language.

by Denny on Wed Apr 12th, 2006 at 10:14:14 AM EST
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