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Christian-Themed Cartoons Draw Ire

Two cartoons that ran in a University of Virginia student newspaper recently have sparked thousands of e-mails to the school and the paper with complaints that they are offensive and blasphemous.

Third-year student Grant Woolard drew the comics for the Cavalier Daily, one of which is called "Christ on a Cartesian Coordinate Plane," with a drawing of the X and Y axes over his figure on the cross. The other, "A Nativity Ob-scene," is of Joseph and the Virgin Mary talking about a bumpy rash she has, with her saying, "I swear, it was immaculately transmitted!"

Members of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights -- among others -- were not amused.

Form e-mails from members across the country have pelted the U-Va. president's office and the Cavalier Daily.

by MarekNYC on Fri Sep 15th, 2006 at 01:42:42 AM EST

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