Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Ah, thanks for that snippet of information.  I have had an uneasy feeling about this coup from the start, a feeling that the military was just itching to get into the drivers seat once more.  One part of democracy is to accept the peoples choice when a party and a leader is elected and not to oust that person just because some people are displeased with his policies their reasons have to be more solid than that.

Even so, let's hope that the democratic system is restored soon and that the new constitution will live longer than its predecessor.  

Bitsofnews.com Giving you the latest bits.

by Gjermund E Jansen (gjans1@hotmail.com) on Thu Sep 21st, 2006 at 07:30:15 AM EST
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