Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
in Thailand, I feel some obligation to offer something.


This is a forum of mostly expats living (or having lived) in Thailand.

Which is what I am, but I do not post in the forum. Some long threads on this subject easily found there.

Here are some things I snipped from the forum some 8-9 hours ago:

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) --

Few people expected Thailand's political crisis to lead to a coup. But when the military made its move to take over the government Tuesday, it came as no surprise that Gen. Sondhi Boonyaratkalin was in charge.

Despite surge of anti-government protests in recent months, Sondhi had given indications that a government seizure wasn't in the cards.

"Military coups are a thing of the past," he said recently, echoing comments from other top military officers. "Political troubles should be resolved by politicians."

Sondhi, the first Muslim army commander in Buddhist-dominated Thailand, was appointed to the army's top post last year with a mission to deal with an Islamic insurgency in the country's south.

He was seen as having unique qualifications for the job. His religion gave him extra credibility among Muslims, and his service as a former head of the special warfare command made him well suited to the task. In addition, his service in the Vietnam War won him the respect of veterans.
"I will make the Royal Thai Army into the army of the people, and will make soldiers the beloved soldiers of the people," Sondhi said as he assume the top post last year.

Coups are nothing new to Thailand, but many hoped that after 14 years of uninterrupted civilian rule, the days of revolving door military regimes might finally be over.

In recent months, however, mass protests and an impasse over flawed elections have thrown the country into its worst crisis since the last army takeover in 1991.

Even as recently as last week, amid growing tensions in the wake of an alleged bomb plot against now-ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, Sondhi was quashing coup rumors.
"Has the situation gone to that point? No. There is still a way to go by democratic means," the 59-year-old officer said then. "We should stop talking about it. It is impossible."

Sondhi is thought to be close to Thailand's revered monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who has expressed unhappiness with Thaksin's administration.

When the move came Tuesday against the prime minister, he was in the forefront.
Sondhi took power without a shot being fired and coup officials said he will serve as acting prime minister.


Guardian (UK) profile of Thaksin an interesting read:

The ex-policeman who made grand promises but didn't deliver

John Aglionby
Wednesday September 20, 2006

For Thaksin Shinawatra to be forced out in a coup d'etat would be a strange twist in the career of a man who has preferred to write his own rulebooks rather than abide by prevailing conventions.
From his transformation from a police colonel into the country's most popular leader, via a farcical attempt to buy Liverpool football club in 2004 and an alleged plot on his life last month, Mr Thaksin has always led a larger-than-life existence where wheeling and dealing behind the scenes has been as important as what is presented to the public.

His chameleon nature emerged when he resigned from the police in 1987. He claimed to be burnt-out but the reality was he had used his police connections to establish a software marketing company which, true to form, he named after himself, the Shinawatra Company.
Three years later he helped fuel rumours that he was bankrupt but then almost magically obtained a 20-year concession from the Thai telephone authorities for his mobile network and his future was assured.

In 1994, having conquered the business world, the tycoon, who had obtained a PhD in criminal justice from a little-known university in Texas while in the police, turned to politics.

In 1998 he created his own party, Thai Rak Thai (Thais Love Thais), saying the existing parties were tainted by decades of failure to deliver sustainable development.

Populist promises to deliver cheap healthcare, village rejuvenation projects and a debt moratorium for farmers turned Mr Thaksin into an overnight hero. In the 2001 general election Thai Rak Thai swept into office with the first absolute majority in Thai political history.

That might have been enough for most politicians. But in May 2004 it emerged he was in "serious" talks to buy a controlling stake of Liverpool football club. Mr Thaksin said his motivation was to associate Thailand with world-class brands rather than the sex industry and drug trade.

The fact that the Liverpool deal never happened was typical of the prime minister's past two years: lots of grand promises followed by failure to deliver.

His popularity with the rural masses is strong but Thailand's better-educated urbanites have mobilised against him. What proved the last straw was the sale by Mr Thaksin's relatives in January of their stake in the family conglomerate to Singapore without paying any tax.

Opposition Senator Mechai Viravaidya welcomed Mr Thaksin's departure, despite doubts about the methods used.

"I'm delighted he's gone," he said. "It would have been great if he had resigned voluntarily, but apparently he was too stubborn. But at least it's better than an assassination."

Coup as it unfolds

The Nation monitors the events that led to the coup as well as events after it as following:

Sept 19

8.00 am Thaksin Shinawatra calls an urgent teleconference with all armed forces' commanders at Government House, but none attends.

Gen Sonthi Boonyaratkarin, the army chief, later says the meeting is hastily called. Rumor then spread around the capital and the stock market that a coup de tat is under way.

12.00 am After finishing the webcamera teleconference with Thaksin, who is New York, several Cabinet members check with reporters if there would really be a coup.

6.30 pm The Army's special forces from Lopburi move into Bangkok. Gen Prem Tinnasulalonda, president of Privy Council, has an audience with HM the King, reportedly on a meritmaking ceremony for ML Bau Kittiyakala.

6.55 pm Thai News Agency reports that Thaksin will return to Bangkok on Thursday, instead of Friday.

8.00 pm 191 police receive M16 rifles to prepare for an antiriot assignment.

9.00 pm The Army'[s special forces from Lopburi arrive at the Army's Bangkok headquarters.

Web surfers post messages on Pantip.com asking if there is a coup de tat.

9.10 pm The armyowned TV Channel 5's mobile TV broadcast unit arrives at the Army's Bangkok headquarters.

9.30 pm TV channel 5 cancels regular programming and puts on air royallyauthored songs.

Reporters at Government House say situation is normal, but rumour was rife that deputy premier Pol Gen Chidchai Vanasatit and defence minister Gen Thammarak Isarangkun have been under custody.

Panthongthae, Thaksin's son, reportedly has left Thailand for the UK.

9.40 pm Police commandos arrive Baan Chansongra, Thaksin's residence.

10.00 pm Army tanks take position at Bangkok Makkawan Rangsan Bridge and Rajdamnern Avenue.

10.10 pm CNN reports Bangkok situation

10.20pm Thaksin declares a state of emergency via the phone from New York. He also issues two orders, transferring en Sondhi from the post of army chief to the PM's Office, and naming Gen Rungroj Mahasaranond as the officer in charge of the crisis.

11pm "The Administrative Reform Council" (ARC) issues a first statement on TV network, saying the armed forces and national police have peacefully seized control of Bangkok and surrounding areas. Soldier seize the Shinawatra Building, iTV television stationand Thaksin's residence.

11.15pm Soldiers put steel barricades at Sri Ayudha and Rajdamnoen Roads

11.50pm ARC issues the second statement explaining the reasons for the coup d'etat, citing national disunity and rampant corruption. ARC says it plans to return power quickly to the people

12.39am ARC issues third statement, nullifying the constitution, the caretaker Cabinet and the Constitutional Court.

8:00 am ARC spokesman announces Gen Sonthi will make announcement on TVs at 9 am. The spokesman also announces that TV stations can resume their normal programmes but most continue to relay signals from Channel 5 except iTV, which briefly airs its morning news programme.

8:50 am: Permanent officials and rectors of universities start arriving at the Army headquarters to report themselves to the ARC. Khunying Jaruvan Mainthaka, the auditor-general, flashes a thumb-up to reporters.

9:16 am Sonthi holds a press conference. The first part of his statement is similar to the first statement of the ARC. He says the ARC has to seize power to solve the country's problems caused by the Thaksin admnistration.

Sonthi appears on TV along with the police chief and commanders of other armed forces in the four-minute announcement.

After Sonthi finishes reading the statement, a spokeswoman announces that the TV pool is disbanded and TV stations resume normal programmes.

Based on news and other reports the coup is consistent with the military's position in the news over the last 2 months. I think that democracy in Thailand became sick with the Thaksin infection, and now drastic measures are needed to save the host. As the constitution been suspended for the moment, I can see possible repeal of many of the Thaksin laws that allowed corruption to flourish hence reset to 2000. Until the King speaks I feel we should take what the military says at face value and go about business as normal as possible. It seems thus far to be in line with being a forced necessity to save the country and not a power grab.

They fear a rigged election with Toxin paying for votes as he did last time..  if (note the if brit) this has royal backing there will be a fast election and it will be a lot fairer as there will no longer be one party buying votes either directly or indirectly.

I fear that this is not over yet, however I think you will see the extent of this goverments corruption on public display shortly.

Remember Sondi's words recently, the Army belongs to the king not to the goverment and I personally doubt this happened without anyone (u know who) being aware.

The corrupt ones are running, those who have nothing to fear will stay. I agree this is a big step but you have to stop comparing democracy here to that of the west, elections are bought plain and simple and that stiffles democracy, rural people vote with their wallets not with their mind for the most.

Thailand is, and has been a "banana republic" all along, it's Thaksin himself who declared it the first world, first rate democracy. Generals are just being honest and realistic - it's better to behave according to your nature and level of development that pretend to be something you are not.

Overall, good move, but sad it was the only choice left.

I doubt if you will hear any statements from the palace in the next 48 hours.

BBC news is back on cable, reporting on the coup. BBC News online quote: "The soldiers posted around the city waved and smiled at people passing by, even posing with local people for photographs next to their tanks."

On bbc news the guy from human rights watch said that he would have been much happier if Taxin had been ousted by the PAD, by democratic means. Of course. Would be a lot better. But what if it had never happened?

The sentiment that Thailand should behave like a western country assumes that Thailand is like a western country and that's simply not true.

  • Opposition parties
  • Checks and balances
  • Strong constitution
  • Separaction of judiciary and executive

None of that exists in LOS [land of smiles - gm]. Impeachment proceedings and major corruption lawsuits would be underway if Thailand was western.

Anyway, I am holding off on any further judgement until the King makes an announcement.

It may look bad but it's necessary. Thaksin's autocracy revealed the weaknesses of the Thai constitution. It has to be done over.

I don't think much of world cares about interregnums like this. There is a commitment to democracy that isn't going away. THailand isnt' the Philippines under Marcos of Burma under SLORC.

This coup is a good thing for Thailand. The problem with Thai democracy is that the civil society is too weak. That is one reason why Thaksin could get away with so much without any checks and balances. The press couldn't bring enough pressure upon him -- no one could. That's the result of a single party being able to form a govt. That had never happened in the history of Thai politics. It had always been coalitions before that. Not only a single party, but a party led by the richest man in the country. That was a recipe for abuse of power and that is exactly what happened.

I think this coup was a case of one step back in order to move two steps forward down the line. They had to get rid of him because too many traditional elites were being kept out of their rightful places at the trough. You can't expect that kind of situation to continue indefinitely. Their was a political stalemate all year with no way out as long as Thaksin remained on the scene. He had to go.

The people in power know they have to start all over again and try to get it right. So writing a new constitution will be the first step.

09-20 11:23:48,
Bank of Thailand Governor MR Pridayadhorn Devakula cut short his trip to attend the International Monetary Fund/World Bank meeting in Singapore and he will arrive Bangkok at noontime.

He said he agreed to accept to become Prime Minister. Nonetheless, it was expected that there would be a press conference at the Arm Force auditorium today.

The Nation

My opinion?
For most people, this is nothing to get excited about.

by Gary McGowan on Wed Sep 20th, 2006 at 06:04:35 AM EST
Thanks Gary...and please keep us updated (and good luck, too!)

"Once in awhile we get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if we look at it right" - Hunter/Garcia
by whataboutbob on Wed Sep 20th, 2006 at 07:40:21 AM EST
[ Parent ]
My privilege and pleasure.

Actually I tacked on that "nothing to get excited about."

I'll take the "Good luck" to mean in finding a job before my family becomes foodless and homeless. Thank you.

by Gary McGowan on Wed Sep 20th, 2006 at 11:58:16 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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