Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
In Britain and Europe, peasants were not eager to be thrown off their land and thrown into destitution:  There were famous insurrections--which, however, were defeated.  

Even in the US, those archtypal entrepreneurs--farmers--are not eager to be thrown off their land.  But neo-liberalism finishes them off, and they go, to be replaced by huge industrial plantations of a sort the Stalinists never even dreamed.  

There is something fundamentally insane about denying the physical reality of our existence.  And the fact that we are using up unrenewable resources.  Even topsoil--which given enough time, CAN be renewed--is being mined and destroyed like coal, oil, or copper.  

Well, this can go on until it can't.  Then we implode, not to the Stone Age, but to a far, far, more depleted existence.  

The Easter Island scenerio looks more likely everyday.  It seems to be what people want.  

Can't understand why.  

The Fates are kind.

by Gaianne on Wed Jan 10th, 2007 at 06:55:25 PM EST
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