Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
A short wish list of things I can think of right now:
  1. A confirmation popup when a rating other than '4' is given. To eliminate accidental down ratings, and give people a second chance to think about what they are doing.
  2. User definable macros. As I mentioned here:

This is something that could work better in so many ways. Let me throw out some thoughts on the subject.

User created macros. Scoop should allow users to create macros to promote the development of better text entry. We already have stuff like *some text* for bolding some text. I.e. one could define a macro to transform L{link, link text} to <a href="link"> link</a>, and many much more complicated things. One should probably disallow recursion. My first though is that a LaTeX like syntax might be convenient. Users would define macros in their settings view and they would be public. Add to this the possibility of keeping track of the number of users who have a macro implemented and we get a list of popular ones that people have found useful to be easily chosen from by those who don't want to create their own. Each time a macro is copied the original creator gets some mojo, thereby integrating it in the mojoconomy. Maybe with some depreciation over time to not create macro fat cats who got in at the beginning of the game and thought up all the easy ones.

by someone on Wed Jan 10th, 2007 at 12:17:30 AM MET

Could be very exciting as a kind of collaborative, collective evolutionary process on how posted text looks, and how we interact with the software environment.

I would love the opportunity to play with the guts of Scoop at some point. I can code alright, my talents might serve the community better here than on writing stories/comment, which I don't do all that much of.

by someone (s0me1smail(a)gmail(d)com) on Fri Jan 12th, 2007 at 07:36:40 AM EST

Others have rated this comment as follows:

afew 4
rg 4


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