Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
If there's a hole somewhere where you'd like to see the logo fit, I'm sure there's the design talent lying around ET to make it happen.

No more "waiting for crispads" is such a brilliant thing I can't begin to praise it enough.

I like your syndication ideas. And personally I liked the idea of separating "user menus" from the "content menus." Speaking of which I have a block called "Menu" which seems to duplicate the "Home" button at the top. Likewise the block "Metatone" ($Username) repeats the menu "Metatone's Page." This suggests we could do some moving around of stuff to reduce duplication, freeing up space for other stuff.

Personally I think the "drop down" of Booman Tribune doesn't quite work, so maybe it needs rethinking? Specifically, since it only shows up when I roll over it, I never see it. And once I've conceived the intention to look, it's as easy to go to BT and look, because sometimes the titles are a bit cryptic.

For myself, I'd say syndication needs to sit in an always visible box. But maybe other people use the dropdown a lot?

by Metatone (metatone [a|t] gmail (dot) com) on Fri Jan 12th, 2007 at 06:46:26 AM EST
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