Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Another thing I'd like is a permanent list of recommended artefacts from the media: books, music, movies, DVDs, sources of all kinds, as well as blog links. Some broad categories would need to be defined. When any category is full, it becomes just a category to click on to expand it.

I would not use the obvious categories, by seperating into media. My categories would be more like: standard stuff (that any educated open-minded person should be aware of), new stuff (keeping us all up to date with what is happening), political stuff, mechanical stuff (how to do it), curious stuff, personal stuff (recommendation is related to that individual), and I am sure you would have your own suggestions.

Each of the categories could contain links to any kind of media.


Why can't we post visual art on the left under the banner? Max width would be say 50 pxls (whatever the column width is). Click on it to open a window and see it larger. The art would be self contained (unless linked to YouTube eg). It would not have to be attached to any diary.

I think it would be intriguing for passers-by, as well as fun for ETers.

Think of them as ads for culture.

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Tue Jan 16th, 2007 at 07:43:58 AM EST

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