Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I find it once again amazing to see how the American hawks, entirely supported by America's so called "progressive" currents, manage to systematically paint an image of the Russians stirring up tensions. From the cost of gas sold to Ukraine to Georgia to Moldova... it's always the Russian's fault. Here again, these same hawks are pointing to Russia as the paragon of tension, whereas the tension isn't coming from Russia. It's coming from Washington (again). In the case of Kosovo, Russia is in favor of respecting international law. Washington is in favor of might making right (chaos). Russia wants a diplomatic solution. Washington wants a military solution (war).

The hypothesis that Russia would benefit from tensions with Western Europe because it would be able to sell more weapons seems far fetched. Sell more weapons to whom? The Serbs? Oh sure, the Serbs are so loaded with cash to invest in missiles that that their buying more weapons could easily make up for lost energy & metal revenues. The Russian military could buy more weapons, yes, but that's diverting state funds from investments in the economy, the infrastructure, etc. to the military - and it's already the case - without tensions (war) in Europe.

Now how would Washington benefit from chaos?

by vladimir on Wed Dec 19th, 2007 at 08:59:24 AM EST
Time magazine declares Putin "Person of the Year"
U.S. magazine Time has declared Russian President Vladimir Putin "Person of the Year" for bringing stability to his country and raising Russia's role on the global stage. Time called Putin a "steely and determined man" who has "emerged as a critical linchpin of the 21st century." The magazine said Putin's last year in office has been his most successful. "At home, he secured his political future. Abroad, he expanded his outsize - if not always benign - influence on global affairs."
by vladimir on Wed Dec 19th, 2007 at 09:33:11 AM EST
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While I agree that in the examples you cite Russia is not the one stirring up trouble I'm not sure where you are going from there. So Putin was named "Person of the Year". So were Hitler and Stalin. I mean Time named "You" "Person of the Year".

Of course Russia has nothing to gain from tensions with western Europe. But there are certain elements of the ruling elite that would undoubtedly prosper in the case of a new cold war. The rulers of the US invented both the  "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror" for that purpose.

by generic on Thu Dec 20th, 2007 at 09:59:44 AM EST
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