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looks determined to keep them "the new workers party" which was their slogan this autumn.

Their also? The Finnish Kokoomus, which is right of center, used that slogan also in the last elections. People laughed at them.

The socialdemocrats will choose Mona Sahlin as their next chairperson in March. All opponents has dropped out of the competition.

Is she the one whose credit card use came into scrutiny and was that part of the campaign you mention?

You have a normal feeling for a moment, then it passes. --More--
by tzt (tzt) on Mon Feb 19th, 2007 at 12:49:38 PM EST
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Is she the one whose credit card use came into scrutiny and was that part of the campaign you mention?

Yes. She was sloppy and used the governmental credit card for personal expenses. IIRC, the investigation launched reached the conclusion (long after she had dropped out of the race and Göran Persson instead had become the chairperson and prime minister) that she was far from alone in doing so both in the socialdemocratic and the previous right bloc government. And when every krona had been counted the government owed her something like a couple of hundred euros. The media hype around this and the backstabbing from party members (LTEs protesting and such) led me to believe there was a campaign against her.

However, against her does not imply for someone in particular. When she declined the stage became somewhat empty and there was a lot of speculation before Göran Persson finally emerged as the only candidate. Perhaps the party was simply not ready to handle having a women as the party leader.

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by A swedish kind of death on Mon Feb 19th, 2007 at 10:48:06 PM EST
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