Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Not mainstream. But all those articles (three I quote, and this one you quote) in one day in Le Monde, are a departure from the usual blanket silence. These are journalists who are actually speaking out. Bacqué's article will not please Sarko.

Neither will this snippet from Philippe Ridet, the embed who can't shake off Sarko's familiarity:

Cette réputation de professionnel des médias, il y tient. Il porte ses scores d'audience comme des médailles et le chiffre des ventes des journaux dont il a fait la "une" lui sont une réassurance permanente sur ses capacités de séduction. Confondant volontiers les Français avec l'Audimat, il s'est fabriqué un statut, inédit chez les politiques, de "producteur-animateur". D'abord, il crée l'actualité, ensuite, il la commente.

This media pro reputation matters to [Sarko]. He wears his TV ratings like medals, and the sales of newspapers he was on the front page of are for him permanent reassurance on his powers of seduction. Willingly confounding the French with the Audimat (TV audience measurement system), he has built himself a previously unknown status among politicians, of "producer-presenter". First, he makes the news, then he comments on it.

The range and quality of these articles seems new to me. What it means in terms of editorial policy at Le Monde I have no idea for the moment.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Tue Feb 20th, 2007 at 03:12:08 AM EST
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