Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Wow.  My dad is an artist, 82 years old, went to art school but not college, set up educational television in Memphis TN when I was a kid, worked in United Fund as an executive director and was later a stockbroker.  He was horribly self-conscious about not having a college degree, yet is the smartest and best-educated man I know.  He "retired" at about age 50 to be a full-time struggling artist because he didn't want to have "here lies a stockbroker" on his tombstone.  He's my hero.

But the point: he quoted Thorstein Veblen to me all my life.  And for some time now, I've been telling him about this web site and how much I think he'd enjoy it.  Thank you thank you, thank you for this diary; you've provided the bait and the hook, I'm certain, and have rekindled my interest in Veblen, too.  I'll be poring over those links for quite a while.  Damn I love Eurotrib!!

Karen in Austin

'tis strange I should be old and neither wise nor valiant. From "The Maid's Tragedy" by Beaumont & Fletcher

by Wife of Bath (kareninaustin at g mail dot com) on Fri Feb 23rd, 2007 at 09:04:17 AM EST

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