Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I think you overgeneralize Americans. There are large numbers who demonstrate, constitute the NetRoots, and vote for decent candidates, but we suffer from the same limitations on our nastiness that all liberals do: hesitancy and failure to believe in our own morality.

As cognitive science educates us in the wellsprings of morality in reciprocal altruism and game theory, we may get off our fence and ride into battle.

Or we can play relativistic games and lose the war. The oligarchs sure don't believe in fair play. They're the free riders, the parasites who are sucking us dry.

Which battle and in what terms? Military, economic, social, legal?

I'm all ears. Lay it out. I'm here to learn.

Will there be any humanists alive to teach these children, and will their schools have been transmuted into Western madrassas?

Align culture with our nature. Ot else!

by ormondotvos (ormond.otvosnospamgmialcon) on Sat Mar 3rd, 2007 at 01:38:14 AM EST
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