Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thank you for sharing and making me laugh. Well, I wish you both lots off happiness, even being married offially.

I had the same reaction when I saw that women adressed by their husbands name - and I found it even more amazing as I have been lectured as to how much more independent American women are compared to European women.

by Fran on Tue Mar 27th, 2007 at 03:45:23 PM EST
Thank you, Fran! :) I'm glad you share my sentiments on the newspaper issue.

"If you cannot say what you have to say in twenty minutes, you should go away and write a book about it." Lord Brabazon
by Barbara on Wed Mar 28th, 2007 at 09:51:33 AM EST
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Up until a year or two ago, my mom would actually throw a fit if one of her kids addressed a card or a package to anyone but "Mrs. Ben Hogan." G-D forbid we should use her given name! (One part of this custom is that divorced women were supposed to go by Mrs. and their "real" first name, and I guess my mom thought she deserved some  recognition for sticking with Dear Old Dad all these years.)

Then Dear Old Dad had a massive stroke and stopped speaking to her (even though they live alone together) except on occasion to accuse her of having an affair with "that snake!," the kindly neighbor across the street. Now it's perfectly acceptable to address her as Doris.

by Matt in NYC on Wed Mar 28th, 2007 at 05:07:34 PM EST
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