Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Don't forget the current evangelical "love" for Israel. Jews and Israel are seen by some as necessary to the second coming of the messiah. (Gaah....)

Heh, synchronicity; I was reading about the Crusades last night. Still don't know too much about the details, but I wonder if the events during the Crusades-- continual wars conducted on purpose between Christianity and Islam (as opposed to the unauthorized persecution of Jews)-- lead to a psychological split in modern times? I'm oversimplifying, but I'm late for work.

Jews were persecuted terribly during the Crusades, but Islam seemed to be the intended target. Could that have set up more of a "rival" image of Islam subconsciously?

by lychee on Fri Mar 30th, 2007 at 11:04:40 AM EST
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