Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
The good news is that with bad poll numbers, she'll have an advantage. In 2000, the late night shows and popular culture spoofed Bush'd intellience and when he could, as Alexandra Pelosi put it, "string together a sentence" in te debates, the people were impressed and he won the debate-just by being mediocre(everyone expected Gore, the intelligent one, to do better). In the recent Democratic debate, all eyes were on Obama, and when he was mediocre, his stock fell. Clinton, who is believed to be aliented by the party's left wing, got a big boost by simply performing as well as Obama did. I'm a big Obama fan (and even more so a Royal fan) but even I had second thoughts about Hillary by her not-exactly-extrodinary performance. Eyes will be on Nicolas to be the master orator, but Royal is the one to benefit from the debate. Go Sego!
by pelcan on Sun Apr 29th, 2007 at 02:29:56 PM EST
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