Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
That is why organizations without leaders, non-hierarchical systems, self-organizing systems, bottom-ups,  cooperatives, horizontal networks, communitites and all the other alternative methods of structuring human activity, are so interesting, and, possibly, the only way to get all of us out of the unhappy mess we are in.

You can't be me, I'm taken
by Sven Triloqvist on Sun Jun 17th, 2007 at 09:00:21 AM EST
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What percentage of the world's population would you say is currently either

a) supported by an organisation without hierarchy


b) at least part-supported by one


c) has an open-invitation one economically close to them

I wouldnae know.

I think another factor (the "kill the bastards" factor) is: How many of these organisations are being activiely harrassed, undermined, and generally attacked--and killed--because their non-hierarchical organisation is sitting upon a valuable resource--and not making all the profit they could...I mean: how will and do such groups survive the unhappy arrival of the local mafioso and his or her henchpersons?

But first, what percent are we at, and how fast is it growing--if it's growing at all?

Melo had a quote from someone which made the claim that we are now at the "over 50%" point for people who "get it"--who understand more or less what's going on.  This is supposed to be a tipping point figure (it was five per cent in the sixties)...he can explain it better than me, I'm sure...but once you have minds prepared you need organisations prepared...as melo writes in his comment here, "Your pension needs bombs and oil"...so okay, I'll let go of my pension...

...The self-organisation will have, or does have, an internal cohesion--a resistance to attack and a method of development...but how early are these early days?  We can learn so quickly, and if a person is not plagued by mental hang-ups, the techniques of a successful non-hierarchical X will be easy to replicate...and maybe dealing with the plagues of mental hang-ups across the planet is part of that...heh...for those enlightened, is the...is the...hey, is there a boom in the number of co-operative registrations across the planet?

Don't fight forces, use them R. Buckminster Fuller.

by rg (leopold dot lepster at google mail dot com) on Sun Jun 17th, 2007 at 09:47:55 AM EST
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