Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I have done YEARS of research.  Thank you very much.

You claim the Danish wind turbine industry wouldn't have made the great commerial strides it did without a few orders from Altamont.  How very "ugly American" of you.  I truly hope you don't actually believe such nonsense.

And if you did some research, you would know that I have NEVER blamed the wind turbine industry for their inability to do a better job.  In fact, I have written BOOKS on the subject of whom to blame and trust me, the manufacturers aren't even on my list.

Don't you have ANYTHING better to do with your life than defend the garbage turbines at Altamont???

"Remember the I35W bridge--who needs terrorists when there are Republicans"

by techno (reply@elegant-technology.com) on Thu Aug 2nd, 2007 at 02:34:13 AM EST
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