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Thank YOU!!!!!

I discover the mp3 file I was using was recorded by the Stockholm Philharmonic (which explains the Swedish spelling).  The word Våren is included in parenthesis so I assumed it was not part of the name but some Nordic musical notation.  

I also remember the choral version I learned was called "The Last Spring" but since I always assume such texts are either bad translations or written by someone other than the composer, it was not useful information.

I find this sort of confusion quite embarrassing.  My grandfather who immigrated from Sweden was fluent in four languages (Swedish, Polish, German, English).  He had four years of formal education.  I, with a university degree, can barely navigate in one language.

But what is not in question is that Grieg's little tune is so beautiful it can make grown men weep.

Thanks again.

"Remember the I35W bridge--who needs terrorists when there are Republicans"

by techno (reply@elegant-technology.com) on Tue Jul 31st, 2007 at 04:43:42 PM EST
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