Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
We'll go roughly 1700 miles (2735 km) in the next couple of days.  If you want to really enjoy it the best way, set in front of an open oven in a thinly padded chair with a fan blowing the hot air into your face and a light aimed in your face.  Keep looking at the pictures-maybe put some earphones on your head with no sound to them-hold this position for about an hour and a half at a time just looking at the pictures from a slightly different vantage point each few minutes-over and over and over.

The oddest part is that it is so enchanting in person and sounds so dismal when told.

"I said, 'Wait a minute, Chester, You know I'm a peaceful man...'" Robbie Robertson

by NearlyNormal on Sun Aug 19th, 2007 at 12:51:34 AM EST

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