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To reclaim the 'means of production' and thereby redistribute wealth more equitably - this is what we have to accomplish. We need to demonstrate that cooperatives/LLPs/self-organizing systems, and all the other alternative non-hierarchical organizational systems can be more efficient, more motivated, more rewarding, more flexible and more socially oriented.

We need to show that 'cutting the fat' is no cure for the obesity of capitalist society. The concept of redundancy and decentralization in a structural system (the brain being a good example) is not an illustration of 'waste', but one of the main features of a healthy and complete ecosystem - as society should be, and as the planet should be.

My pet peeve is monocultures. Apparently efficient and apparently more productive, with all 'fat' cut away, they are indeed more efficient and productive - for quite long periods of time. But they are also dangerously susceptible to total and cataclysmic collapse.

Diversity is what we need to encourage, respect and to ensure.

You can't be me, I'm taken

by Sven Triloqvist on Sun Aug 26th, 2007 at 09:06:43 AM EST
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