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Be careful afew.. most of them are excellent points.. but some of them are not at all clear..

Three of them I notice as nopt good changes

It isnot at all clear that they say Mexico would change mind.. "move" is neither clear cut in spanish.. as move is not clear in english.. so I am not sure I would change it..Mexico move has the proper indefinition of the original

The same goes with the "I do nto care" o...." it does not bother"..is too formal... I would say the spanish attitude would be more like " I do not care".

The "dead" has already been translated as deceised....as it was probably refered in a formal way..

But the most importan one I do not agree is the one about "y conseguientemente incumplirlas".. your translation tries to give a meaning to something that it is not there.... He may have wanted to mean this.. but that's is not what is written .. in spanish there is a way to say your sentence...  and that is not the case. So I guess either it was a bad transcription.. or really you always make mistakes when you speak...

Regardign the rest.. brilliant changes..

A pleasure

I therefore claim to show, not how men think in myths, but how myths operate in men's minds without their being aware of the fact. Levi-Strauss, Claude

by kcurie on Wed Sep 26th, 2007 at 03:55:53 PM EST
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