Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thank you. I appreciate the welcome.

The reason I started writing about US foreign policy is that it's a topic the left in the US finds toxic, and one in which in general, the electorate on both sides is woefully uninformed. So I intend to make it an area of special concern.

For the record, other than an amateur's love of things historical, I've no background in the subject, I've no special contacts, no professional expertise to offer, and no guidance in what I write. So essentially, all I can offer are posts of minor (trivial really) scholarship. I'll do my damnedest though, to pass along as much quality as I can.

"It Can't Be Just About Us"
--Frank Schnittger, ETian Extraordinaire

by papicek (papi_cek_at_hotmail_dot_com) on Sun Oct 26th, 2008 at 08:59:41 AM EST
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You have started well. I am a DoS retiree (non-dip corps civilian, but lots of related overseas experience).  I'll be happy to chime in when possible though I have no real desire to write much about US foreign policy. You know when you've had enough.  

I can swear there ain't no heaven but I pray there ain't no hell. _ Blood Sweat & Tears
by Gringo (stargazing camel at aoldotcom) on Sun Oct 26th, 2008 at 09:26:30 PM EST
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Many thanks indeed. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. For example, I know little other than what Kiesling wrote regarding the DoS corporate culture (though I found his description of DoS as bureaucracy entirely plausible.) Or how DoS and USAID deal with Congress during the budget cycle. (Or do they let the White House do the heavy lifting there?)

I crossposted this on dkos, where it was rescued, and I'm not sure anyone there knows what to make of it. Other than a given issue, usually a humanitarian crisis, nobody in the blogosphere talks about foreign policy. Particularly the nuts and bolts of it. Diplomats, as long as they're active, understandably cannot. So the real experts out there, one we need to hear from most, need to remain silent. Frustrating!

Some months ago, I decided to try to educate myself in these matters, and share what I've picked up along the way.  There's a tremendous amount of material out there, mostly editorial, that I've been wading through and it's a great help that much of that makes it to the web.

Again, thanks. Any material you could steer me in the direction of, please feel free.

"It Can't Be Just About Us"
--Frank Schnittger, ETian Extraordinaire

by papicek (papi_cek_at_hotmail_dot_com) on Mon Oct 27th, 2008 at 01:05:45 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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