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I totally share your passion for full equality, but still cannot understand the contradiction to equality in some insults that reduce humans to their differential sexual secretions, anatomy, etc.  Insulting is perfectly natural, but an insult is meant to harm by definition, so in practice
´scum´ = semen
´bag´  = vagina.

Those are in conflict with equality because they deeply exploit people´s differences and there is no valid source that will contradict general and personal experience.  For example, when the insults are turned against a loved one, --sister, partner, mother, son, daughter,-- people naturally react with anger, or worse, because they are meant to do damage.  So, if we want equality, why do we divide?

Regardless of how outnumbered I may be, I am offended by the deep rage some of those words carry and have seen their effects:  words have power that cannot be ignored.  I try to write from knowledge with experience, not for competition, so I repeat it because it is important for discourse towards any real equality.  

I hope I have measured all words properly enough to avoid unwarranted anger.  

Our knowledge has surpassed our wisdom. -Charu Saxena.

by metavision on Tue Nov 4th, 2008 at 12:40:34 PM EST
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