Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
A dynamic community of bloggers, journalists and journalism students, a forum alive with debate and discussion, a creative portal to inspire youth involvement...

Are all bloggers young?  Are all bloggers journalists?  Do journalists only inspire youth?  How old is youth?  (D;

The EJC has received some financial support for the blogging competition from the European Commission.
where the following plug comes in:
Right now, most slots are filled.

This makes it a little too late to recommend any blog, so it sounds like pre-selection.

´a top down effort to form a grassroots movement. This seems conflicted´  ( ;

invitees are briefed on the European blogosphere, European Parliament, elections and on understanding the EU from a journalist's perspective.

How will they create thought/participation if they have to be trained about the EU in January and are only required to post at least once a month?  A minimum of 5 posts (15 per country) during 5 months is a pretty low standard for a blogger, cannot create a following, nor influence voters´ thought.

Who is in ´the international jury´ and what blogs have been selected for each country?  

You may want to correct a two-day event in Brussels´.
a free, three day seminar in Brussels, and the chance to win something.  ...  

Our knowledge has surpassed our wisdom. -Charu Saxena.

by metavision on Mon Dec 8th, 2008 at 03:18:48 PM EST

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