Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.

The workmanship is courtesy of another board member.  Normally he builds very expensive home for the rich ($14 million was a recent one).  He has a crew that can do all this fancy stuff.  But with the collapse of the housing market, he is just hanging on these days and is looking for work to keep his crews together.  So he did the spectacular job and changed our preservation society bargain rates.  The guy is a living embodiment of the Instinct of Workmanship.  He does good work because he literally doesn't know any other way to do things.

"Remember the I35W bridge--who needs terrorists when there are Republicans"

by techno (reply@elegant-technology.com) on Tue Mar 11th, 2008 at 08:12:43 PM EST
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